Content for Digispark

Pedal Controller

“We are about to create a custom USB HID device with a Digispark board. An USB device can act as a keyboard to send key strokes, or act as a mouse, depending on your needs. The Digispark is like a …

Large fonts on a tiny OLED & ATiny85

“It is very challenging to compress code in small memory micro-controller unit (MCU) such as Digispark ATtiny85, which is offering only 6kB. Suppose you want to attach it to a tiny OLED (128x32 pixels) and make it write easily readable …

Build a Raspberry Pi powersupply with Digispark Attiny85

“Raspberry Pi is an amazing device, packing so much power into a small form factor with such a cheap cost. Unfortunately, it does not comes with its own power supply. Shutting down involves running the shutdown command and unplugging the …

DRV8825 compatible servo control with Digispark Arduino

“This project is intended to provide a simple solution for using servos with CNC and plotter projects based on GRBL Arduino firmware (and CNC shield). Of course it is possible to use a modified GRBL firmware and drive the servo …

BeatFlower With Digispark/ATtiny85 and WS2812b

“In this tutorial, I’m going to show you how to build a BeatFlower: A flower shaped, USB powered “wall light” that doubles as a color display for e.g. music on your computer.”

USB NeoPixel Deco Lights (via Digispark / ATtiny85)

“For this Instructable we need a WS2812 LED strip, also known as NeoPixel, and any MCU that could be programmed via Arduino. I use Digispark, it is a very nice tiny MCU based on ATtiny85. It has a special bootloader …

Build a LED Cube 4x4x4 in less than 3 hours

“I was always wanting to build a LED cube for my wife (as I promised her to). I’ve been watching a lot of tutorials/instructables about building a LED cube and frankly speaking, all of them have the same …

Fake TV Security Light

“The idea of leaving a light on at home while you’re out is to give the burglar an uneasy feeling that somebody’s at home and it might be worth trying the next house along instead. A TV on …