“Chiptunes and simple musical games on a 36 cent chip. Some assembly required. You know those epoxy blob chips that play little chiptunes on musical greetings cards and dollar store childrens toys? Lets make those! Arguably, no one likes those …
“Connect the OLED module to the ATtiny13A as shown below. The connections for the ATtiny10 are similar. For the ATtiny202 SDA must be connected to PA1 (pin 4) and SCL (or SCK) to PA2 (pin 5). Since the I²C implementation …
“Driving an OLED display with an ATtiny10 without using any library to make sure the program fits into the 1kB flash memory. I tried to fit the code to drive an OLED display into an ATtiny10. Is it possible? Yes …
“The electrons movement in electronic components lead to the generation of heat which when beyond certain thresholds, prevents some components from functioning properly and in others could lead to a catastrophic breakdown. For this reason, the topics of ventilation, overheating …
“It’s a little interface to use a BLTouch for autoleveling on a GRBL based CNC machine. This Z touch probe is actually meant to be used for autoleveling the print bed on a 3D printer. But because the machine …
“This is a small battery-powered thermometer that displays the temperature as a series of red and green flashes on an LED. The thermometer consists of an ATtiny10, a DS18B20 1-wire temperature sensor, and a bi-colour LED. To avoid the need …
“I like Atmel tinyAVRs because they are tiny computers that I can (almost) wrap my head around. The Atmel ATtiny4/5/9/10 are the cheapest in the tinyAVR line, and they come in two packages - SOT23 pictured above, and …