Content for Arduino Uno

Build Your Own Object Following 4-DOF Robotics Arm

“In this project, the robotic arm will execute actions corresponding to the commands received from the sensors. Greetings everyone, and welcome to my Instructables tutorial. Today, I’ll guide you through the process of creating an Object Tracking 4-DOF …

COBRA: Reflex Coach

“Unleash your reflex potential with Cobra, the ultimate coach for lightning-fast responses and unmatched agility. Strike first, conquer all. Advantages of Training Reflexes Training reflexes offers a series of advantages and benefits in both daily life and various sports fields …

Fix Water Level Sensor Accuracy NOW!

“Achieve Perfect Accuracy for Your Water Tank. Step 1: Assemble the Circuit Start by connecting your Arduino board to the computer using the USB cable. Then, create the circuit by following these steps: Connect the VCC pin of the water …

Heartbeat Sensor Based on Arduino UNO

“This article introduces the combination of Arduino and NUO heartbeat sensor for the application of real-time heart rate monitoring. In this article, we present an Arduino-based heartbeat detection and monitoring system that utilizes a pulse sensor to measure the heart …

How to use LM35 Temerature Sensor

“Here is the tutorial that explains how to use LM35 temperature sensor. I hope you find it usefull. Apart from instruction on how to use this sensor, I am also showing how you can engage AI powered by chatGPT to …

Dust Utilization Segregation & Transmission BIN

“A dustbin, which is smart enough to segregate waste based on if material is metallic, non-metallic, dry or wet. SO it’s a smart bin which can segregate wastes based on if it’s a metal, non metal, dry or …

Seven-Segment Display Do it Yourself

“By soldering separate LEDs together and using Charlieplexing you can control the display with only four digital pins. Usually, when you need some numerical output, it takes you at least seven pins of your microcontroller (except you use a display …

Interface DS1307 RTC Module With Arduino Display Date/Time on OLED

“In this tutorial, we will explore how to interface the DS1307 RTC module with an Arduino UNO. We will begin by addressing several key questions: What exactly is an RTC (Real-time clock)? Why is an RTC module used? How does …

Project  BeerConnect


“Connected Tap Machine, works with RFID badge links to an account on a Virtual Machine. Use LoRa and Node-RED for datas processing. What is it? Imagine you have an automated beer machine, a bit like an automatic coffee machine …

Arduino-controlled 832 MAX7219 Dot Matrix LED Display

“In this comprehensive guide, we will explore how to effectively employ the 8×32 MAX7219 Dot Matrix LED Display with an Arduino. This LED matrix module, equipped with the MAX7129 LED driver, is fully compatible with Arduino boards and other …