Content for Visuino


Visuino is the latest innovative software from Mitov Software. A visual programming environment allowing you to program your Arduino boards. Although it currently supports the official Arduino boards, it is not restricted to their support alone and requests to support new hardware are welcome.

How to Make DIY Music Reactive RGB LED Ring (WS2812B)

“In this tutorial we are going to make music reactive lights with Arduino Nano ESP32 board with Neopixels LED ring & microphone using Visuino Every time the sound is detected the LEDs will move and randomly change colors. In case you …

Arduino DCF77 Radio Clock Receiver

“In this tutorial we will learn how to use the DCF77 Radio Clock module using Arduino to display the date and time on the LCD display. What You Will Need: - Arduino UNO (or any other Arduino or ESP) - Optional LCD …

Ultrasonic Distance Sensor Using ATOM Matrix ESP32

“In this Tutorial we are going to explore how to measure a distance using the ATOM Matrix ESP32 and Ultrasonic Range sensor. What You Will Need: - ATOM Matrix ESP32 More info - HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Range Measurement Module - Jumper wires - Visuino …

Arduino Wireless Weather Station Using NRF24L01, DHT11-DHT22

“Build a wireless weather station using two NRF24L01 modules that will Display both Indoor and Outdoor Temperature & Humidity. Step 1: What You Will Need: 2X Arduino UNO (or any other Arduino) LCD I2C Display 20X4 2x nrf24l01 module 2X DHT11 …

How to make a wind vane!

“How to build a wind indicator, simple and amazing”

Control LEDs ON/OFF With 433MHz RF Remote and Arduino

“In this simple tutorial we will learn how to turn ON/OFF 4 LEDs with a 433MHz RF Remote and Arduino. What you need: - Arduino UNO (or any other Arduino) - Jumper wires - 4 X LED - 4 X 1K ohm Resistor …

NeoPixel LED Ring Temperature Monitor

“In this tutorial we will learn how to display a temperature on a NeoPixel LED Ring from a DHT11 sensor using Arduino and Visuino software. Arduino Uno or any other Arduino board NeoPixel - RGB LED Ring DHT11 Temperature and Humidity …

M5StickC Cool Looking Watch With a Menu and Brightness Control

“In this tutorial we will learn how to program ESP32 M5Stack StickC with Arduino IDE and Visuino to Display a time on the LCD and also set the time and the brightness using the menu and the StickC buttons.”

Simple DIY Weather Station With DHT11 and OLED Display

“In this tutorial we will learn how to create a simple weather station using Arduino, DHT11 sensor, OLED Display and Visuino to Display the Temperature and Humidity.”

VISUINO Smart Robot Car 315mhz Remote Control Module XD-YK04

“In this tutorial we will use Smart Robot Car, L298N DC MOTOR CONTROL module, 4ch 315mhz remote control module XD-YK04, Arduino Uno and Visuino to control the robot car with a remote control.”