Content for Arduino Micro

A curiously cold Bitcoin wallet

“A friend of mine was an early Bitcoin adopter with a hold strategy using paper wallets. He stored his paper wallets inside an Altoids Tin, and the Altoids tin inside a safe. After several years, the ink started to fade …

Building a DIY Stream Deck (Mini Macro Keyboard)

“I’ve been doing a little streaming on Twitch, and a lot of streamers I follow have something called an Elgato Stream Deck. The Stream Deck is a small device with 15 buttons, each of which has its own customizable …

DIY Midi Controller

“Music is a large part of the entertainment industry, and is enjoyed by many around the world. While music is accessible to those who enjoy it, creating music is not always easy since some users might not have access to …

RPM Spinning

“As one of the rest of the world, we end up being at home and changing certain areas. One of them in my case has been the way of practicing sports, instead of going to the gym, I went to …

Mouse for People With Brain or Nervous Disability

“Joystick that behaves as a mouse for people who experience tremor when using a regular mouse. I designed this one for a 6 year old girl with Ataxiatelangiectasia Supplies - Arduino pro micro without headers - MPU-6050 Accelerometer and Gyroscope 3-Axis …

Macropad for Keyboard Shortcuts

“We’re making a small macro keypad for some keyboard shortcuts. In this case, it is for Zoom video conferencing shortcuts for Windows. We’ll program the keys to toggle mute/unmute microphone, raise/lower hand, and video on/off …

Recycle Plastic Into 3D Printer Filament at Home

“3D printing is very exciting technology as it reaches the home scale but using brand new filament was not acceptable to me as it would just increases the plastic waste amount on the planet. I started to look for a …

Penkesu Computer - A Homebrew Retro-style Handheld PC

“Penkēsu (Japanese: ペンケース) is a retro-style handheld device powered by a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W, a 7.9 inch widescreen display (400 x 1280 resolution), and a 48-keys ortholinear mechanical keyboard. Display Waveshare 7.9inch …

Necroware’s GamePort Adapter

“Many people from the retro community still have their beloved joysticks and gamepads from the early days. These devices often live their lives somewhere in the dark corners of our basements and we don’t dare to throw them away …

raspiduboy’s dreamboy

“A handheld emulation device based on raspberry pi, that has a removable controller and the controller has a arduboy it to play it on the go. I followed mr.blinkys Arduboy homemade package standard wiring and wired an arduboy following …