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Internet Radio, which in terms of characteristics, stability, and functions is better than commercial devices of this type.

Internet radio (also web radio, net radio, streaming radio, e-radio, IP radio, online radio) is a digital audio service transmitted via the Internet. It can either be used as a stand-alone device running through the Internet, or as a software running through a PC.

This time I will show you how to make a stand-alone Internet Radio, which in terms of characteristics, stability, and functions is comparable and even better than commercial devices of this type, and yet the price for making it is many times lower. The device contains a large color TFT display with a Touchscreen through which all controls are performed, so there is no need for additional buttons. It also has a large-digit clock with advanced alarm settings, as well as an MP3 player that can play standalone tracks and playlists. Otherwise, all credits for this wonderful device go to “schreibfaul1” who is the creator of the code that is published on his GitHub: “”.

The device consists of only a few components:

- Esp32 Dev module (in my case cheep ESP32 Vroom 32D from Aliexpress)
- ILI9341 TFT display with Touchscreen
- VS1053 Audio decoder module
- SD card
- and optinnaly small speaker boxes with D-class audio amplifier board”

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