“This is a Retro style weighing machine where the result is displayed on the Galvanometer instead of LCD Display.
This time I will show you how to make a weighing machine where the result is displayed on the Galvanometer. Instead of a Galvanometer, we can use a 5V Voltmeter, but in that case the 10 k trimmer potentiometer should be removed.
The electronic weighing scale uses a load cell which is a transducer that is used to create an electrical signal whose magnitude is directly proportional to the force being measured. This signal need to be amplified and processed, and that function is performed by a small breakout board with HX711 IC which is a 24-bit high precision A/D converter.
Usually calibrating and the final result is displayed on an LCD display or on a serial monitor, but in this case I modified the standard code so that the calibration process is displayed via LEDs and the weight is displayed on an analog instrument.
In this way, in addition to the unusual Retro look it also greatly simplifies the making of the device that contains only a few components:
- Arduino nano microcontroller
- Load cell
- brakot board HX711
- Galvanometer or Voltmeter
- two resistors
- power switch
- trimer potentiometer
- and four Leds”