“It can be used to improves sleep, mental focus, and the body’s overall performance by helping the energy output and regeneration of the body.
Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (PEMF therapy), also known as low field magnetic stimulation (LFMS) uses electromagnetic fields in an attempt to heal non-union fractures and depression. It can be used to supplement and enhance currently existing healthcare modalities. In addition, PEMF therapy improves sleep, mental focus, and the body’s overall performance by helping the energy output and regeneration of the body’s cells.
In several of my previous videos I have presented you with simple ways to make this type of device without any great knowledge in the field of electronics. Commercial such devices are sold at a price of several hundred to thousands of dollars, so my goal is to make the simple to build and functional device available to more people who can not afford it.
This time I will also show you a simple way to make a High Power PEMF device, which gives a magnetic flux density that is about 10 times stronger than that of previous devices.
There are two options for building such a device:
1. Increase the supply voltage to approximately 50-70V and a current of 3-5A, thereby increasing the ohmic resistance of the Coil.
2. Use a standard power supply from an old PC (12V / 20A), and reduce the ohmic resistance of the coil.
The first way is impractical due to the fact that it uses a non-standard power supply that is difficult to obtain, the schematic diagram would be much more complicated due to the use of two voltage regulators, and also a voltage of 70 Volts and more is potentially dangerous. The second way has none of these disadvantages, it is easier to make and uses components that are much easier to obtain.”