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Automate Push Up Routine With ESP8266

For most of us during lock down, we have been practicing a lot of exercises. Either its some stretching or some muscle building exercises. But one issue that I have faced personally is keeping track of my workouts. I was unable to see my progress as there was not some sort of recording of my exercises. This let me to an uneven workout routine and was not motivated to increase my repetition.

This is when I realized that I could build something that count the number of a particular exercise I practiced and store it in a database. The exercise I choose is Push Up. It is very effective and probably the one that I want to keep track of. So lets build an Automated Push Up counter.


Material :

Esp8266 Board
Small Breadboard
Jumper male to female x2
Resistor 1k ohm x 1
Limit Switch x1
Glue stick

Glue Gun

Arduino IDE
IFTTT website
Google Sheet”

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