“Use a Raspberry Pi with CODESYS PLC to control motors attached to an Arduino Uno and EASE using input from another LCD Shield with EASE.
In this tutorial, you will learn how to set up a Raspberry Pi with CODESYS to act as both a PLC and an EtherCAT master. It will be used to control the motors attached to an EtherCAT Arduino Shield by Esmacat (EASE) Slave device using input from an LCD Shield with another EASE slave device
First, some general information about Raspberry Pi and CODESYS is discussed.
After learning to set up the Pi and CODESYS, you will learn to implement a practical project to control the motors attached to the Arduino Uno and EASE based on user input from another EASE device connected with a LCD Shield by updating EASE registers using CODESYS.
EtherCAT Arduino Shield by Esmacat (EASE):
EASE is an EtherCAT slave that connects to an EtherCAT master (PC/ Laptop/ Dedicated Master devices like the Esmacat Master S and Esmacat Master C.) It can be stacked on top of Arduino, other MCU boards with an Arduino Uno form factor, and shields. This shield allows high-speed communication with an industry-standard EtherCAT protocol for high-performance robotic applications. Esmacat’s simple to use Arduino and Mbed libraries allow for easy coding on the base board and Esmacat’s free open source master software has a high-level abstraction so users can run applications within minutes!”