“Play T-Rex game on Google Chrome using Seeeduino XIAO (CircuitPython) and LIS3DH accelerometer.
Want to be a desperate T-Rex who’s ready to explore the wondrous 2-D, 8-bit, binary colored world of Google Chrome with joy and excitement ? So make sure you exercise your knees daily to keep up with the high scores.
This project won the Best Hardware Hack presented by Digi-Key category prize in the Who Wants to be Hackionaire hackathon organized by MLH
I’ve used CircuitPython to program the Seeeduino Xiao but it’s also compatible with Arduino. You can choose any ATSAMD21 microcontroller board that supports CircuitPython to follow along this project. I chose Xiao because of it’s miniscule size, suitable for wearable projects.
Note: For general I/O pins: Working voltage of MCU is 3.3V. Voltage input connected to general I/O pins may cause chip damage if it’ higher than 3.3V.
For power supply pins: The built-in DC-DC converter circuit able to change 5V voltage into 3.3V allows to power the device with a 5V supply via VIN-PIN and 5V-PIN.
The Adafruit LIS3DH is a triple-axis accelerometer whose library supports both I2C and SPI but we’ll be using SPI interface in this project. A newer version of this board is available which is black in color and has STEMMA QT connectors or the SparkFun Qwiic I2C connectors on either side.
I made my project on breadboard initially then I soldered on female headers on a PCB to improve the form factor. You can, if you want, solder the board directly as it has castellated pins and wouldn’t stand out much.”