“This is a project I made for a smart lamp controled by Bluetooth with an Android App developed on Android Studio.
Pixel’s main goal is to display beatiful lights. It’s fireplace lightmode, for example, let’s you see how a single-pixel fireplace might look like. Also the rainbow mode shows how a lot of gradients are “naturally” formed by the leds.
Pixel’s eletronics are an Arduino Nano and 10 addressable LEDs ws2813. It also has a display showing the time, and a buzzer so you can set up an alarm.
It’s body is made with MDF (laser-cut) and acrylic.
Github for .apk, arduino files, app files.
Arduino nano;
Bluetooth module HC-05
Real Time Clock module;
4-digits LED display;
10 x Addressable LEDs ws2812b
4 x Buttons;
5V-2amp font.”