“Necessity is the mother of invention: DIY IR Contact Less Thermometer an IOT device
We are all going through a crucial junction of time due to COVID-19. We are all trying to take preventive measures to stay safe. The necessity of living safe form COVID-19 I was out for searching an IR thermal contactless thermometer for my home, to track unusual body temperature any of my housekeeping staffs, visitors or delivery agents, from long distance and without anyone standing and monitoring.
I found a few devices in the amazon market place. Those are very promising products and much costly. And also there is always a person required to stand and monitor from some distance holding the device. I was a little bit disappointed by seeing the cost and limited ability of the product and also in deep think that how this will be convenient for everyone to buy a costly product and also had to stand to monitor the temperature while surrounded by unseen microscopic threat.
I felt some urge to do something which can help others who needed most and also by writing this it will help others to rethink on the available product design.
I have to build up a complete autonomous IR contactless Temperature device which can be mounted anywhere like a door, apartment gates or community halls anywhere and track the temperature and post the result to any cloud BD Or any incoming webhooks. The build I have done it only cost approx 700 to 900 rupees.
Let’s See how we can build this.”