“What are Brushless motors?
Also known as synchronous DC motors, they are an special type of motor that consist on a stator and a rotor as most of the motors out there, but with a difference, “brushless motors” ,as it name tell us, do not have brushes electrically connected between the stator and the rotor to reduce friction, vibrations, inefficiency.
How do they work?
These motors are associated with an inverter. The inverter makes the supply voltage to the coils sequentially, thus the poles of the rotor move according to the magnetic field generated by the coils sequentially. The speed of the rotor and its axis, will depend on the speed of sequencing of the variator.
We can find them normally on RC airplanes or cars, also drones.
In the follow tutorial we are going to learn about Brushless motors, how to control them with an ESP8266 (NodeMCU) and Ubidots.
Application requirements:
NodeMCU ESP8266
Speed controller
Brushless Motor
Wiring cables
Ubidots account
12v Battery or Power Supply”