“Here is a list of the parts used:
DFRobot ESP32 ESP-WROOM Module 1 - https://www.dfrobot.com/product-1559.html
Silicon Labs CP2102 USB to UART Bridge 1
MCP73831 Li-Ion Charger IC 1
LM317BD2T Adjustable Regulator 1
0805 4.7uF Capacitor 2
0805 100nF Capacitor 1
0805 1uF Capacitor 1
WS2812b LED 1
1206 LED 4
Micro USB Connector 1
0805 470 ohm Resistor 1
0805 2k ohm Resistor 1
0805 510 ohm Resistor 1
0805 300 ohm Resistor 1
0805 10k ohm Resistor 2
0805 270 ohm Resistor 2
6mm x 6mm Pushbutton 2
SMD 6mm x 6mm Tall Pushbutton 1”