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88. Arduino yun web server ajax control device

In this project we will see how it is possible to create an interactive web page with Arduino Yun, to control and monitor different devices.

Let’s make a web page interactive to remotely control home devices via Arduino yun
In this project we will see how it is possible to create an interactive web page with Arduino Yun, to control and monitor different devices at home.


The system has automatic and manual control of lights, climate and various sensors, including a hall sensor and a PIR sensor. Control and monitoring is done via a dynamic and interactive HTML web page. More web pages in HTML format together with the relative javascript and CSS are allocated on a micro-SD memory card and inserted in the appropriate slot on the Arduino Yùn and managed via the web server inside the Linino operating system, which is equipped with the card.

The web page is updated with a delay of about 3 seconds, automatically, both when you perform some direct action (for example when you press the switches on the web page) and if something happens on the hardware side.

To access the web page you must type in a browser the IP address where the Arduino YUN board is connected on the router.”

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