“What has four legs but only one eye? A teapot of course!
My new robot is based on a Raspberry Pi Zero W with a camera. It is connected via a serial link to an Arduino Pro Mini board, which drives servos. Since each one of the four legs will have two articulations, each with one servo, we need eight servos in total.
Here is a list of the material we will use:
- a Raspberry Pi Zero W
- a Raspberry Pi camera module V2
- a camera adapter for the Raspberry Pi Zero
- an Arduino Pro Mini 3.3V/8MHz
- 8 micro servos 9g rated ~5V (Tower Pro SG90 or similar)
- a 5V switching regulator rated at least 3A
- a 2S LiPo battery, 1000mAh is good
- a MicroSD card for the Raspberry Pi, 16GB is good
- a USB to UART bridge to program the Arduino board
- Dupont wires, screws, pins, prototype board, soldering material, and glue
Let’s start by designing and printing the parts. I use OpenSCAD, and print with white PLA, as usual. You can download the SCAD source files (licensed under GPLv3) and the corresponding STL files here or on my GitHub repository.”