“This 3D-printed Raspberry Pi-powered Rubik’s Cube solving robot has everything any serious robot does — arms, servos, gears, vision, artificial intelligence and a task to complete. If you want to introduce robotics to your kids or your students, this is the perfect machine for it.
This one-eyed four-armed giant stands 35cm (14”) tall. 70 hours of print time and an entire spool of filament are needed to print it, not to mention over $200 worth of hardware, but once fully operational, it will surely wow your friends and neighbors. Scramble your Rubik’s cube, place it in the robot’s grippers, press a button, and then sit back and watch this amazingly smart and stunningly beautiful machine put it back together. Watch the video below!
This robot is fully 3D-printable. Other that the servos, servo horns, camera, electronics and a few dozen bolts and nuts, it has no traditionally manufactured parts. Absolutely no soldering or breadboarding is required.”