“How to turn your bike into a moveable screen in the city? This instructables aims to answer how to do that cheap and easy with parts most makers already have lying around. Before we start on how to build the device I would like to thank Ada and her guide on making a POV display. I have used the code from her guide as inspiration, a stepping stone and a huge part of her code exist in my example. The biggest difference is I have made the code work with the popular WiFi microprocesser, ESP8266. I’m using a NodeMCU v2 in my example wich required a lot of tweaking. My main reasoning behind choosing a ESP8266 device is that it is a powerfull piece of hardware, and you can implement wireless communication to control the image, syncronize multiple units or what ever you can come up with. Another difference is that I have implementet a image stabilizer that should make the screen more readable when riding the bike (there is a lot room for improvement, but if you want a finished and professionel consumer product buy POV from Monkeylectric). The last difference is that I’m using cheaper parts in my build. The SK9822/APA102 is basicly the same hardware as Adafruit Dotstar, but way cheaper. You can get a NodeMCU for only $3.95 if you can wait for it to ship.”
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