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Sending Atmospheric Data from the MSP430 and CC3100 Wi-Fi BoosterPack to

For a while now I have been thinking about the ability to remotely monitor what is going on environmentally in a location. I have thought about this with regards to the summer, with a cottage more than an hour away it would be nice to know what the weather pattern is for the cottages location (not the general city or county) to decide if it is worth the long drive. I have also thought about this with regards to parts of my house, such as the attic, basement etc, to help determine how well the insulation is working or what is going on in parts of the house where people may not often frequent. Lastly it has come up in many conversations with storekeepers who want to know how their fridges are performing and to know when there may be an issue. With all these usage cases I decided I should come up with a solution. When TI came out with their CC3000 I thought I would give that a try. I spent a few weeks working with this BoosterPack in conjunction with a Stellaris (Tiva C) and MSP430G2553 launchpad but had a good few issues that just didn’t seem easily resolvable as well as some limitations that hinder the usability of the system, besides by then TI had come out with the CC3100 that was supposed to resolve a lot of issues as well as be some what easier to use.”

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