“System to monitor soil moisture on both plants through two simple steel nails which replaced the previous hygrometers completely oxidized. Arduino One checks the values ??of the various sensors including a DHT11 and communicates with the observer what are the requirements of the plants set in the code. Two LEDs front, side to display 16x2 I2C, one green and one red bottom top give a sort of “notification” of the visual situation. Alarm red, green situation ok. The plants, through this system communicate their needs such as thirst, too much water, cold, heat or extremely high or low humidity by writing directly on the display. A toggle switch on and off the display backlight. The whole is housed in a suitably drilled in wood to minimize overheating various especially in the hot season; Opening front upward. Attack Power and USB Arduino are accessible directly from the outside through the slots specially organized as you can see from the photos .. :).”
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