Content for SphereBot


The SphereBot is a compact, easy to use open-source art robot that can draw on spherical or egg-shaped objects. Super adjustable; designed to draw on all kinds of things that are normally “impossible” to print on. Not just eggs but golf balls, light bulbs, mini pumpkins, and even things like wine glasses — with a bit of work. Use it to personalize Christmas ornaments or impress your friends with masterpiece Easter eggs. The EggBot is not just a cool gadget; it’s also a great introduction to CNC (computer numerical control) and do-it-yourself robotics. All of the electronics and software are designed to be hackable and repurposable, so you could easily computer control an Etch-a-Sketch or create something totally new.

Sphere-o-bot: a Friendly Art Robot

“The Sphere-O-bot is a friendly art robot that can draw on spherical or egg-shaped objects from the size of a ping pong ball to a large duck egg (4-9 cm). The robot is based on the cool original design of …

Laser Cut SphereBot

“The concept of the SphereBot (or Egg-Bot) is really neat and innovative. For those of you who do not know, the SphereBot is a device that uses ordinary pens (sharpies, Rose Art markers, etc.) to draw on round objects. These …