
“Highly accurate, Ethernet base, 7-segment clock driver with built-in NTP client. This project introduces an open-source, ATmega328 based, configurable NTP clock with a 2.3-inch, 7-segment display driver. This clock automatically obtains time from the configured NTP server and updates …

“After the nice reception my last article on NTP got, I decided that it was about time I pulled a project off the shelf from a few years ago and get a stratum 1 NTP server running on a Raspberry …

“The LoRa IOT Home Environmental Monitoring System consists of an Arduino Mega based IOT-to-Internet gateway and Arduino Feather based remote stations with environmental sensors. The remote stations communicate wirelessly with the gateway using LoRa radios. The system enables a …

“A little over a year ago, the ESP8266 WiFi SoC started getting attention and quickly became a little chip of wonder. On a fully self-contained breakout board with this chip, a complete WiFi enabled controller is well under $5! It …

“As an experiment, I purchased one of the low-cost credit-card-size Raspberry Pi computers, and have configured it to run NTP (Network Time Protocol). I have also used this board with a GPS receiver with pulse per second (PPS) output to …