“This is an autonomous mobile disinfecting robot that disinfects a confined space by deploying aerosol disinfectant. Introduction and Acknowledgements It is a vital need at this moment to have frequent and consistently effective sterilization of bacteria and viruses in a …
“The TMP006 is a temperature sensor that measures the temperature of an object without the need to make contact with the object. In this tutorial well plot live temperature data from the BoosterPack (TI BOOSTXL-EDUMKII) using Python.”
“Control the motion of robot by your mobile, Using TI RSLK kit, MSP432 microcontroller and POLOLU board for power distributon. We will be making a robot that will accept navigation command from a custommade app and follow it accordingly. It …
“This project started because I was given a TI Launchpad MSP432 board. One of the 1st things I did with it was just a multi-thread demo - I believe I had it running 22 or 23 threads.”
“This project uses the TI MSP432 ARM MCU to drive the RGB LED panels commonly found on Sparkfun (https://www.sparkfun.com/products/12583) and many other electronics sites. The MSP432 has many peripherals that allow me to offload much …
“A few weeks ago, I received a pair of MSP432 Launchpad development boards courtesy of Texas Instruments, and two weeks ago, I began porting ArTICL to the MSP432. I’m happy to announce that ArTICL is now available to MSP432 …
“I was inspired a while back by the simplicity of the FFT application written by Shane Ormond and featured on the 43oh blog. It was easy to duplicate and I’ve made a few changes, additions, and such that seemed …
“The MSP432P401R LaunchPad enables you to develop high performance applications that benefit from low power operation. It features the MSP432P401R which includes a 48MHz ARM Cortex M4F, 95uA/MHz active power and 850nA RTC operation, 14-bit 1MSPS differential SAR ADC …