Content for L9110

Arduino Obstacle Avoidance Robot with Ultrasonic HC-SR04

“Arduino Nano based object avoidance robot which uses 3 HC-SR04 sensors in order to detect potential obstacles and correct its trajectory. alseTv1 alseTv1 is an Arduino Nano based object avoidance robot which uses three HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensors in …

HOG, BT Controlled Robot

“In these instructables we will show you, how to make 3d printed tank with catapult. We were working on this project more than 500 hours, and we will keep updating it with better versions. We named it “HOG”. You can …

Cheap Arduino Combat Robot Control

“The resurgence of Battlebots in the States and Robot Wars in the UK reignited my love of combat robotics. So I found a local group of bot builders and dived right in. We fight at the UK ant weight scale …

Snake Vision Robot using two MLX90614 No Contact Temperature Modules

“So, what I have is two MLX90614ESF Human Body Infrared Temperature Non-Contact Temperature sensors from IC Station. - These sensors use the I2C bus, what I am doing is using a multiplexer and switching between the two sensors pretty fast. These …

IC Chips  Others


L9110 - Motor control driver chip L9110 The ASIC device control and drive motor design two-channel push-pull power amplifierdiscrete circuits integrated into a monolithic IC, peripheral devices and reduce the cost, improve the reliability of the whole. This chip has two …

Simple arduino car using HC-06 Bluetooth Module

“The easiest way to build an Arduino car and control it with your android device.”