
“This is a PEMF signal amplifier and not a complete PEMF device, but therefore it can be connected to various sources of such a signal. PEMF or Pulsed Electromagnetic Field therapy is a type of therapy that uses electromagnetic fields …

“In this experiment I will describe you a way where the light from 10W Power LED diode is used for tarnsfering Audio signal wirelessly. Supplies - 10W Power Led - IRF3205 Mosfet - Trimmer Potentiometer, 100 kohm - Capacitor 100 µF - Resistor 4.75k …

“Simplest ways to make a 12V to 220V inverter, one with transistors and the other with Mosfets, and whether it is reasonable to make them This time I will explain two of the simplest ways to make a 12V to …

“Welcome to this instructable where I will show you how I made this 12volts to 220volts DC-DC converter with feedback to stabilize output voltage and low battery/ under-voltage protection, without using any microcontroller. Even though the output is high …

“This experimental project shows how to build a simple PI (Pulse Induction) metal detector based on ATtiny13 / AVR microcontroller.My goals were to make a circuit as simple as possible and to use only popular / cheap electronic parts. The device …

“An inverter converts the DC voltage to an AC voltage. In most cases, theinput DC voltage is usually lower than the output voltage of the inverter while the output AC is equal to the grid supply voltage 120 volts, or …

“Coilgun is like a slingshot from the future. Whilst it’s kind of useless it’s a lot of fun to play with. I’m going to show you how to build one without using huge and expensive capacitors. My …

“Some time ago I had a course dealing with image analysis i.e. image segmentation, moments, colour detection, object recognition etc. As part of the course everyone had to make a project that showcased the theory we had been learning …

“Hi there, this project is all about designing an inverter from scratch, I am always fantasized by the projects which involves a software controlling an hardware. With this inverter, you can power up various electronic Appliances like TV, Fan etc …

“For my monthly maker column in Dutch newspaper “De Volkskrant”, I made a coolbox in which you can control the temperature in three separate compartments to keep craft beer at just the right temperature. The contraption I build uses three …