Content for BeagleBone Blue

BeagleBone Blue

BeagleBone® Blue is an all-in-one Linux-based computer for robotics, integrating onto a single small (3.5" x 2.15") board the Octavo OSD3358 microprocessor together with wifi/bluetooth, IMU/barometer, power regulation and state-of-charge LEDs for a 2-cell LiPo, H-Bridges, and discrete connectors for 4 DC motors+encoders, 8 servos, and all of the commonly-needed buses for additional peripherals in embedded applications. Fully open source and actively supported by a strong community, the real-time performance, flexible networking, and rich set of robotics-oriented capabilities make building mobile robots with the Blue fast, streamlined, affordable, and fun.

ArduPilot Rover and the BBBlue (2021)

“Did you want a slow, controlled robot from ArduPilot and make it work with the BBBlue? Good luck! Until now! I first want to start off with these tidbits of info: Rover seems easy to install on the BBBlue at …

ChupaCarBrah - Car Hacking with BeagleBone and Python

“Build a car hacking spy device to remotely read and send CAN commands and track GPS location. All based on open source software/hardware. In this project I use a Beaglebone Blue to connect it to a CAN bus on …

Project  TipTap


“A 3d-printed bipedal robot.A desktop option for semi-direct drive walking research. By keeping things small I aim to create a sub $500 walking robot that can be used to test out control algorithms and simulation fidelity using semi-direct drive …

Robotics w/ OSD335x-Powered BeagleBone Blue: Rubik’s Solver

“Experience the OSD335x performance for industrial applications & robotics by building this cool Rubik’s Cube solver using BeagleBone Blue. Building the Rubik’s Cube Solver with OSD335x System-In-Package Our team was challenged to build a portable robot to demonstrate that …