Content for AVR

DIY- Universal PIC and AVR Programmer

“I am presenting a best class USB Universal Programmer for both PIC and AVR Microcontrollers. In our present market the universal programmer supporting much devices with combination of PIC and AVR are not in common, they are expensive also. This …

AVR Development Board

“My instructable is about AVR board which I designed it by myself after doing some researches in google and watching some videos (specially Ben hack show) and decided to make this instractable. I know there is a lots of project …

Lightweight AVR assembler functions

“Over the past few years, I’ve written a few posts about small problems in the way avr-gcc generates code. These problems are typically poor optimization, and since they don’t cause problems in program functionality, they tend not to …

sdramThing4.5 “Logic Analyzer”

“An AVR, 128MB SDRAM DIMM, old laptop LCD, and a handful of TTL chips — 30+MS/s 32-channel logic-analyzer interface for an analog ‘scope. This is a Sample/Repeat “Logic Analyzer” with up to 32 channels at 30+MS/s …

AVR HVSP Fuse Resetter

“in working w/ 8 or 14 pin avr devices, i would sometimes want to use the RESET pin as io as the io pin count is low. but doing so will disable further programming via SPI. i do not need …

rf24boot: A universal over-the-air bootloader for all those uCs

“Apparently Ive come up to a point, when I want to do firmware upgrades for my home automation over-the-air. Since Im using nRF24L01 dongles, I decided to write a bootloader for that. While my pet antares project is slowly progressing …

The mystery of the Zombie RAM

“It all started one bright morning when I wondered: Can the RAM memory on an AVR chip continue to store data after power is removed? If it can hold the data even just for a brief moment, then that could …

Trimming the fat from avr-gcc code

“Although writing in AVR assembly makes it easy to write programs that fit in a small codespace, writing in C and using AVR Libc is more convenient. This article outlines how to write C code that avr-gcc will build to …

Writing AVR assembler code with the Arduino IDE

“Although I have written a lot of code in high-level languages like C++, I enjoy writing assember the most. For inserting assembler code into Arduino sketches, you can read a gcc inline assembly guide. If you have some assembly code …

AVR Optimizations

In the world of microcontrollers and unlike the world of computers, resources are scarce and any optimizations that can be made are very useful. In this article we will cover some of the various optimizations that can be made so …