Content for App Inventor

Simple Bluetooth Controlled Car - Raspberry Pi Pico

“Hello fellow makers and tinkerers, I am back with another simple, easy-to-follow project based on the Raspberry Pi Pico. Using easy-to-find components, we will be making a 2-wheel drive the motor car controlled through a Bluetooth module on an android …

BLE AI-driven Smartwatch Detecting Potential Sun Damage

“Log UV & weather data on an SD card to train an Edge Impulse model. Then, run it to get informed of sun damage over BLE via an Android app. Although many of us enjoy a sunny day in our leisure …

Soil moisture sensor with message notification

“This project comes in handy for people that love gardening. The idea is simple, monitoring the soil humidity and notifying the Gardner. This project is a great help for people who are passionate about gardening and flowers. Its purpose is …

Agricultural Pesticide Spraying Robot

“This project can assist individuals in a variety of situations including agricultural production and pesticide application. The project provides a new approach for replacing people in different agricultural activities such as pesticide spraying, fertiliser spraying, and other tasks, therefore ensuring …

WiFi Based Robot with Android Application Control

“How To Build a WiFi Based Robot with Android Application Control | Android App with MIT App Inventor Components - VPC Card board 5mm, - Solderless Breadboard, - DC Gear Motor x 4, - Arduino NodeMcu, - L298 Motor Driver, - BD139 NPN Transistor, - 1k Resistor x …

Control ESP8266 from anywhere using android app and MQTT

“In this tutorial, we will learn how to create an app for ESP8266 using drag and drop MIT App inventor. Welcome to another tutorial of the How to MQTT series. In this tutorial, we will learn to make an android …

Phone Controlled Robot Car using Wi-Fi Module

“Remotely controlled car - IoT based project using Wi-Fi Module and MIT App Inventor with intuitive control. A step-by-step guide! This is a fairly simple IoT project with a lot of learning opportunities. I’ll begin with a detailed overview of …

Health Network Wearable: Remote patient monitoring system

“Healthcare automation has always been a popular topic among everyone, but now, amid this pandemic, it is a necessity. We have all seen remote patient monitoring systems and health trackers, we have seen customized apps that can send alerts or …

Project  Puppi


“PUPPI is a tiny, portable, edge ML device ready to interpret a dogs’ mood based on vocal signals A dog is man’s best friend. But more often than not, the relationship isn’t bilateral. A true friend listens, and …

Project  Tooth fairy

Tooth fairy

“Detecting when a user is brushing their teeth and encouraging them to do so. Story Pitch Ever worried whether or not you brushed your teeth thoroughly enough? Have you ever wandered off with your thoughts and forgot about the time …