
“The amplifier described in this project is “Hybrid”, but now the case is reversed and the Tube is used at the output, thus preserving all the positive features of a pure Tube Amplifier. Supplies: - GU81 Vacuum Tube - Microwave oven Trafo …

“This Audio amplifier consists of the single transistor (2N3005) and a simple amplifier circuit consists of simple electrical components like resistors, capacitors etc. The circuit of this amplifier is quite simple because it has the minimum number of components. Component …

“After discovering Cew27’sCmoy Headphone Amp a few months ago on Instructables, I’ve been inspired to build my own. I was also inspired by Koogars amazing Crystal CMoy Free Form Headphone Amplifier which I have been admiring for a …

“Ever wanted to have multiple different sound files playing on different output devices attached to a host computer? Say you’re writing a DJing application where you want one mix for headphones and one for the speakers. Or you’re …

“I always wonder whether it is possible to make an amplifier of class D on ATtiny13 or not. Some time ago I found George Gardner’s project based on ATtiny85 – TinyD. It was a sign to start challenging it with …

“Introduction While doing some research on the transition to solid state devices I encountered a really interesting article on the worlds first Transistorized Hi-Fi System. This article provides a nice back-stage view on how electronic design is carried out. Often …

“Amplifiers are much needed for audio amplification. There are many dedicated audio ICs available in the market. They have different wattage ratings, power consumption,mono or stereo,etc.They are available in various packages like DIP,Pentawatt package( Many TDA …

“This is not so complicated Amplifier that could be use in household or in the cottage or anywhere where you think off. This is upgraded version of my first instructable “Amplifier TDA2005” . Basically this small amplifier was originally created like …

“Audio Amplifier is a device which strengthen the weak signal. Usually in audio systems we use amplifiers to drive the speakers of high power rating . Now , in this Instructables you are going to see how to make an audio amplifier …

“An Audio amplifier is a device , which is a capable of strength the week signals to drive the speaker. In this Instructable I will instruct you to make your own simple audio amplifier using MOSFET and less number of components …