Content for ADXL345

Project  Lantern


“An Ikea hack that transforms any surface into an ambient, smart interface using Raspberry Pi, a laser projector, and Android Things. Lantern combines an Ikea lamp, laser projector and Android Things to create a connected projector that explores the relationships …

Visual Accelerometer

“This project connects the ADLX345 3-Axis accelerometer to display a location on an 8x8 LED matrix using the MAX7219 LED driver chip. To run this project, simply follow the wiring diagram, and then run the code in your Arduino IDE …

Robot Movement by Hand Gesture

“Program ESP8266 with Arduino IDE for convenience. ADXL345 accelerometer communicates using I2C protocol. I’ve used ESP8266-01, in later versions of ESP we have dedicated pins for I2C bus to communicate with ADXL345. But in ESP8266-01 we can …

Raspberry Pi Solar Tracker (RBST)

“This project is also a Hackaday Prize 2015 entry, which isupdated here. This is still an active project, so the photos dont show the final unit, but should be more informative as you can see the different items I am …

Arduino nano segway

“A few days ago I got an arduino nano and what better way to test it than to make a NANO SEGWAY !!”

Project  VertiBOT


“VertiBOT is an educational project to investigate and understand sensor fusion using kalman and complementary filter algorithm and PID control in an unstable system. VertiBOT is an inverted pendulum platform that remains balanced by means of two tiny motors, located …

Project  LightBoxII


“Lightbox II to Arduino Nano as the core, triaxial acceleration sensor ADXL345 collect data to select and control a total of 20 positive level mist RGBled. Not removable, but it can be charged by way of wireless charging.”