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Staccato Controller (interrupter) was developed in the attempt to create longer sparks from Tesla Coil reducing the input power.

The VTTC Staccato Controller was developed in the attempt to create longer sparks from VTTCs while at the same time reducing the input power. The Staccato Controller achieves this by operating the VTTC for a full AC half cycle, then disabling the VTTC for a selectable number of AC half cycles. Basically the controller consists of an oscillator with adjustable parameters and a triac or thyristor at the output of the oscillator, which is connected between the cathode of the vacuum tube and ground.

In the device that I will present to you in this video, an Arduino Nano board is used to build the oscillator, so the device is very simple to build, and yet has many control options. The presented code is very simple and understandable, so if we have some experience in programming, we can expand these possibilities. The original project was taken from teslamuuntaja’s blog and I added a two-transistor part so now Mosfet SSTC can also be controlled.

The device is composed of several parts:

- Arduino Nano MCU board
- Three control potentiometers
- Mains transformer with 12V output
- Gretz junction with filter capacitor and voltage stabilizer
- Triac through which VTTC is controlled
- Two transistors for control of SSTC
- and some diodes and resistors”

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