“Following on from looking at commercial products for sleep monitoring using EEG, I thought I’d take a look at more DIY based approaches using some open source sensor boards and a basic microcontroller.
This is quite a classic module in the EEG space as it’s one of the first that was manufactured to support commercial BCI products and toys. Over the years there’s been a lot of DIY projects made using this board.
The issue I have is that the chip on the board is kind of a black box because the signals that come out of it are already digitally processed – although in a roundabout way you can obtain the raw signal too. You wouldn’t really learn much and the options to tweak anything at a hardware level are limited. I do have one of these boards and they are incredibly small, which is great for making a headset but if your soldering isn’t great you might struggle with connecting the relevant wires. I’ll still probably use this at some point but for now I wanted something that allowed for more lower level control.
You can find loads of these TGAM boards and kits on things like Alibaba and eBay for very reasonable rates but shop around because prices do vary.”