“Hi There, Recently, I finished up on my DIY project Wilson: the IoT hat. Because of the big fun I had creating and using this IoT hat, and given the wonderful feedback it provided to the wearer, I really want to share this project with you.
Wilson is a hat equipped with a multicolor LED matrix and some electronics. It comes with a smartphone app to control it. Thus you can show different messages in different styles by using your own phone. You can also program Wilson to display incoming Text messages.
To prevent abuse (you dont want to send out nasty messages) a blacklist function is present, and an auto-reply function is available (and lots of fun).
This Instructable aims to provide all necessary instructions, resources and knowledge for you to create you own IoT hat.
Its easy to build. The Arduino (Hat) programming is straight-forward. The accompanying Android App (to process incoming SMS messages) is slightly more difficult. However I will try to explain my code to you in this instructable.
Here we go.
DFRobot 7x71 flexible led strip
Arduino Nano
HC-05 Bluetooth module
9V Battery + clip
a Hat
soldering iron and solder
shrink sleeves in different sizes
some glue”