“Miguel Alejandro Ramrez Anaya and Jos Miguel Galeas Merchn, students of ‘Electrnica Creativa’ (Creative Electronics), a Beng Electronics Engineering module at the University of Mlaga, School of Telecommunications. We decide to make as final project a Ohmmeter using Arduino Mega development board.
- Arduino Mega
- 4 RGB Leds
- 3 Red Leds
- 3 White Leds
- 4 x 4 Membrane Switch Keypad
- OLED Display I2C 128 x 64 pixels and 0.96 Inch
- 2 connection terminals for resistors
- Potentiometer 50k
- Resistors
- 1kΩ x1
- 220Ω x3
- 22kΩ x1
- 68Ω x1
- 4 screws”