“As promised, this is v2.0 of the PasswordPump, a USB device that manages credentials for up to 250 accounts. Credentials (account names, usernames, passwords, an old password, and categories) are stored ONLY on the device itself, on two removable EEprom chips using military grade encryption (AES-256). They are not stored in the cloud or in a file on your computer where they are more exposed to hackers. Credentials are backed up on the device itself; i.e. encrypted credentials are moved from the primary EEprom chip to the backup EEprom on demand. You may remove the EEprom chips from the device (perhaps to keep a third or fourth backup). Credentials are entered either via the rotary encoder (on the left) or via keyboard, via a serial terminal, or, ideally, via a Python based program (PasswordPumpGUI) expressly written for that purpose. The device itself is approximately 1 1/8 x 2 3/4 inches, or 27 x 75 millimetres. Currently it’s not housed inside of a case, but it should be and will be once design of the case is complete. A preliminary case design is available here (bottom) and here (top).”