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LEAP: Little Electronic and Arduino Projects

LEAP is my collection of electronics projects, many involving an Arduino in one way or another. Some are full builds like The FretBoard, while many are trivial breadboard kata, intended to test or explore a single idea.

Many are variations of things found wild on the net, or inspired by ideas from the sources such as:

- Boldport Club
- Nuts&Volts magazine
- Silicon Chip magazine
- Electrical Engineering StackExchange
- Arduino StackExchange
- Arduino Playground
- books from my electronics bookshelf
- the many great electronics YouTube channels e.g.
- Afrotechmods
- Ben Eater
- GreatScott!
- Julian Ilett
- Scullcom Hobby Electronics
- w2aew

Feel free to borrow liberally, and if you spot any issues do let me know. See the individual projects for credits where due. There are even now a few projects contributed by others - send your own over in a pull request if you would also like to add to this collection.”

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