It accurately measures the distance between two sides of an object.
It is a tool that contains a graduated ruler with a movable slider that allows you to accurately measure small objects.
At the moment this tool is very used for the design of 3D pieces like boxes or other type of pieces that need to fit in existing objects.
The digital calipers have replaced the analogue ones because they facilitate the obtaining of values.
The caliper has several important parts:
- Fixed ear
- Mobile Ear
- Vernier * (inch)
- Screw and brake
- Cursor
- Fixed scale
- Fixed nozzle
- Fixed backrest
- Mobile backrest
- Mobile nozzle
- Vernier (mm)
- Impeller
- Fixed scale of millimeters
- Depth probe
In order to read the value of the caliper, it is first necessary to read the fixed scale of millimeters (13)
And then you need to do the reading on the Vernier. Reading the latter is done by better aligning the stroke with one of the fixed scale markings (13).
In the example below the value of the reading should be 1.52 mm since the reading on the fixed scale is between 1 and 2 mm and as each trace in the Vernier is 0.02 mm the observed measurement corresponds to 0.52 mm.
Here are several types of calipers, the most common being the universal caliper and the digital caliper.
There are some that are specific to some applications such as the depth caliper, the caliper with the tilting spout and the depth caliper.
There is a hack that works with some digital caliper that allows the connection of this caliper to an Arduino to extract the values read.
The hack is featured on the site Nut & Bolt explica como fazê-lo.