News Researchers convert used car batteries into units that could power farms in the developing world
“As part of a Circular Economy for electric vehicle battery systems, as the number of such vehicles increases rapidly, Professor James Marco in the labthe need to find the best way to reuse and recycle vehicle batteries becomes just as …
News First-ever visualisations of electrical gating effects on electronic structure could lead to longer-lasting devices
“Electronic structure of a semiconductor device – how it behaves when voltage is applied – visualised for the first time Insights from the technique will help development of high performance electronics with low power consumption University of Warwick and University of Washington …
“- A Neptunian planet has been found in what should be a ‘Neptunian Desert’ by telescopes run by the University of Warwick in an international collaboration of astronomers. - NGTS-4b is 20% smaller than Neptune, about 3 times the size of …
“Scientists have revealed the precise molecular mechanisms that cause drops of liquid to combine, in a discovery that could have a range of applications. Insights into how droplets merge could help make 3D printing technologies more accurate and may help …
“Particles in quantum states defy classic physics by existing in multiple locations at the same time Quantum effects are routinely observed in isolated systems, but more difficult to spot in the ‘noisier’ real world New test could help reveal if …
“Heat can be converted to electricity more efficiently using nanowires as thin as atoms, according to new University of Warwick research Atomically thin nanowires conduct less heat and more electricity at the same time, yielding unprecedented conversion efficiency in comparison …
“Physicists at the University of Warwick have published new research in the Journal Science (today 19th April 2018 - via the journal’s First Release pages) that could literally squeeze more power out of solar cells by physically deforming each of …
“Researchers at WMG at the University of Warwick have developed a new direct, precise test of Lithium-ion batteries’ internal temperatures and their electrodes potentials and found that the batteries can be safely charged up to five times faster than the …
“New research led by WMG, at the University of Warwick has found an effective approach to replacing graphite in the anodes of lithium-ion batteries using silicon, by reinforcing the anode’s structure with graphene girders. This could more than double …
“Design of aeroplane wings and storing organs for transplant both set to be safer and more effective, thanks to synthetic antifreeze developed by University of Warwick. Inspired by natural antifreeze proteins, researchers create iron-based synthetic imitation which has been shown …
“How lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries behave under short-circuit conditions can now be examined, using a new approach to help improve reliability and safety - developed by an international research team, including WMG at the University of Warwick. The use of high energy …
“Gadgets are set to become flexible, highly efficient and much smaller, following a breakthrough in measuring two-dimensional ‘wonder’ materials by the University of Warwick. Dr Neil Wilson in the Department of Physics has developed a new technique to measure the …