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ITMO University (ITMO: Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics) is a large state university in Saint Petersburg and is one of Russia's National Research Universities. ITMO University is one of 15 Russian universities that were selected to participate in Russian Academic Excellence Project 5-100 by the government of the Russian Federation to improve their international competitiveness among the world's leading research and educational centers. Research priorities of ITMO University are concentrated in information and photonic technologies.

A Material Simulating Dark Matter Particles Described

“A research team from ITMO University has devised a metamaterial that may be used to investigate the properties of axions, also known as dark matter candidates. The paper was co-authored by Frank Wilczek, a laureate of the Nobel Prize in …

ITMO Scientists Develop Simple Method to Create Durable Anti-Fraud Trademarks

“ITMO University physicists collaborated with experts from Laser Center to develop a new production method for holographic anti-fraud trademarks. With the new technology, it is possible to print unique multicolor 3D holograms on any metal products to protect them from …

Improving Lasers: ITMO Scientists Suggest a New Way to Couple Light and Matter

“A new approach has been suggested at ITMO to enhance interaction of light and matter during metamaterials production. Compared to conventional methods, the novel approach requires less precision and relies on cheaper equipment, while producing more compact and sensitive lasers …

Laser Billiards Made Possible Thanks to ITMO Researchers

“Scientists from ITMO’s International Research and Educational Center for Physics of Nanostructures have created a new type of an ion trap, in which microparticles can be tossed between localization zones with a laser beam, like billiard balls. In this …

ITMO Scientists Suggest New Method to Make More Adaptive and Autonomous Robots

“Scientists from ITMO have come up with a three-step algorithm for the development of manipulators and walking or wearable robots. Compared to the usual methods, the new approach results in lighter, more efficient, affordable, and compact mechanisms. Walking robots that …

Researchers Suggest New Way To Boost Perovskite Solar Cell Performance

“Scientists at ITMO University and their colleagues from the St. Petersburg Academic University and University of Tor Vergata (Italy) have developed high-performance perovskite solar cells. The improvement is thanks to the use of semiconductors based on wire-like nanocrystals. The technology …

New Discovery Makes Cheap, Compact Lasers Possible

“Researchers from ITMO have demonstrated a novel technique for generation of laser radiation that utilizes perovskite metasurfaces. The solution will pave the way for next-gen lasers that are less than 100 nm thick and require significantly less energy. The invention …

ITMO Students Make a Battery That Can Be Wirelessly Recharged up to 500 Times

“In spite of their many disadvantages, batteries remain one of the key components in contemporary electronics. While changing their structure entirely is impossible due to the chemical and physical processes happening inside, scientists, startups, and major companies are searching for …

Researchers from ITMO Discover New Photonic Properties of Dielectric Resonators

“We live in a world powered by resonance: there are resonant antennas in our smartphones, and microwaves heat up our food using resonant absorption of electromagnetic radiation by water molecules. Even bridges and skyscrapers remain intact because they were designed …

ITMO Researchers Twist Particles Using Quantum Entanglement

“Twisted particles have found their applications in many fields, such as optomechanics, biology, astrophysics, as well as quantum optics, information science, and communications, where, for instance, they can be used to increase data capacity. However, as these particles are primarily …