“I’ve written a few software UARTs for AVR MCUs. All of them have bit-banged the output, using cycle-counted assembler busy loops to time the output of each bit. The code requires interrupts to be disabled to ensure accurate timing …
“The serial port is a very commonly used interface for communicating between a microcontroller and a PC for debugging or sending or receiving some values. Most microcontrollers include a hardware peripheral called UART (Universal Asynchroneous Receiver Transmitter) which handles the …
“The Module is based on The MCP2200, which is a USB-to-UART serial converter which enables USB connectivity in application that have a UART interface. The device reduces external components by integrating the USB termination resistors. The MCP2200 also …
“Smaller microcontrollers like Attiny84 microcontrollers dont have UART interface and in many cases you may not need it. But if you will want to have an USART option, you will need to user software USART library or write your own …
“At the last hardware hack night, Jake and I got a web page to transmit uart serial data to an arduino at 9600 baud using the webaudio browser api. Sending serial data from an ordinary web page is interesting because …