Content for TinyML


Tiny machine learning is broadly defined as a fast growing field of machine learning technologies and applications including hardware (dedicated integrated circuits), algorithms and software capable of performing on-device sensor (vision, audio, IMU, biomedical, etc.) data analytics at extremely low power, typically in the mW range and below, and hence enabling a variety of always-on use-cases and targeting battery operated devices.

AI thermal camera for safe camping (Seeed+Helium+AWS) (V2)

“TinyML model running Wio Terminal can identify if animal or human is approaching even in the dark, sends data to Helium LoRa network to AWS. In the previous project, I used Wifi connection to send tinyML inference data to AWS …

Gesture Recognition on Microcontroller with TinyML

“Using gesture recognition with the in-built light sensor, the Wio Terminal will be able to recognize the rock, paper and scissor gesture. Alright, let’s get started with our Gesture Recognition on Microcontroller with TinyML! Let’s go! Using gesture …

Hydrophone Feather Board

“I wanted to build a TinyML model that could detect when a boat is nearby by listening for it on a hydrophone. Edge Impulse makes it easy to build ML Models that can run on an Arduino board and detect …

Battery Life Cycle Predictor Powered by Edge Impulse

“A TinyML model to predict the Lithium Ion battery’s life cycle within shorter time using Edge Impulse. To predict the Life cycle of Lithium Ion battery, there are many methods are available. one of the common method is by …