Content for TCS34725

Color Sensor With LCD Screen

“The goal is to create a device that would allow colorblind people to detect colors without having to see the color. Utilizing the LCD screen with the sensor the color would get picked up then transferred to words onto the …

Build a single-pixel scanning camera with an RGB sensor

“Sensors like the TCS34725 from Adafruit can detect a single color. It stands to reason then, that if you were to aim this sensor at a multitude of points and record the resulting data, you could have a one-pixel camera …

Arduino Color Picker

“Welcome to my instructable! The project I want to share with you today is Arduino Color Picker, a device that will let you pick any color from real life object(s) and display it in convenient way so you can …

Python Powered Spectrophotometer!

“Welcome to another instructable. In this instructable I will discuss how to make a crude spectrophotometer. I will show you what sensors work best, and how to use Python for dynamically updating and displaying the data. Overall I will be …

Arduino Color Sorter Project With Pc Control Application

“In this project, I chose the TCS34725 color sensor. Because this sensor performs a more accurate detection than the others and is not affected by the light change in the environment.The product debugging robot is controlled by the interface …

See Colors with the Adafruit TCS34725, an Arduino and a Pi 3

“This toy project uses the TCS34725 to read the color of Lego bricks, and uses a Raspberry Pi UWP C# application to say the color. I recently bought the Adafruit TCS34725 breakout board, which senses colors, and I wanted to …

Building a Single Pixel Scanner

“A flat bed scanner typically uses three rows of CCD sensors (RGB) to capture images placed directly on top of the glass bed. When the CCD array scans from one end of the image to the other, the digitized color …

Programmable Automatic Blind Opener

“A while ago I changed my room around, which made opening and closing the roller blind harder. Like most people, I close the blinds when it gets dark and I have to put the lights on. Similarly, I open the …