Content for Software

Linus Torvalds Releases the “Really Big” Linux Kernel 5.8

“Linus Torvalds has recently shipped Linux kernel 5,8, nearly a month of a half after he announced this release as a “really big” update that reminds of the 4.9 version. “I considered making an rc8 all the way …

Arm Mbed OS 6.1 released

“The Mbed team are pleased to announce the release of Mbed OS 6.1, following fast on the heels of our 6.0 release. A major feature we have introduced in this release aims to improve your experience with Arm …

Arduino 1.8.13 has been released

“Today, we are excited to announce the arrival of the Arduino IDE 1.8.13. Significant improvements include fixing the crash on Mac OS X with multiple monitor setups and resolving the recent package_index.json issue without other user intervention …

Mbed Studio 1.0 released

“I’m pleased to announce that the 1.0 release of Mbed Studio is now available for macOS, Windows and Linux. You can download Mbed Studio from here: With the number of developers with an …

A new Raspbian update

“The last major release of Raspbian was the Buster version we launched alongside Raspberry Pi 4 last year. There was a minor release a couple of months later, which was mostly just bug-fixes for the first release (hence no blog …

Arduino 1.8.12 is out!

“Today, we are excited to announce the arrival of the Arduino IDE 1.8.12. Wow! Another release just after two weeks, you ask? Well, we fixed some serious bugs related to the compiler, and more importantly, we had to …

Say hello to OpenSK: a fully open-source security key implementation

“Today, FIDO security keys are reshaping the way online accounts are protected by providing an easy, phishing-resistant form of two-factor authentication (2FA) that is trusted by a growing number of websites, including Google, social networks, cloud providers, and many others …

Mbed OS 5.15. released today

“We are pleased to announce the release of Mbed OS 5.15 today. One of our primary focus areas over the past three months has been updating the underlying compiler infrastructure that we support in order to benefit from the …

Linux Kernel 5.4 Released With Kernel Lockdown, ExFAT Support & Improvements to AMD Radeon Graphics

“Linux Kernel 5.4 is the last major stable kernel release of the year 2019. This new release has some big changes that will (positively) impact both manufacturers and end-users. Linux Kernel 5.4 Release Features Even though there are …

webOS OSE 2.1.0 Release

“We’re delighted to announce the release of webOS Open Source Edition (OSE) 2.1.0. The highlights of this release are as follows: - Change of the default logging system to journald - Japanese Virtual Keyboard support and iLib upgrade - Bug …