
“A HAT Turning any 40-pin Raspberry Pi into a dual-channel Software-Defined-Radio (SDR) Story CaribouLite is an SDR (Software Defined Radio) product answering the following questions: How do you make a Software Defined Radio which is portable, capable, and affordable. The …

“Since 2012, the Raspberry Pi nano computer has become an increasingly important part of the DIY and « maker » community. The increase in power of the Raspberry Pi over the years offers very interesting possibilities for radio amateurs. Indeed, it allows …

“This document describes a DIY project of building a marine computer, a boat LTE/WiFi gateway, and a cockpit chartplotter display from easily obtainable and affordable components. This boat electronics project includes: Waterproof marine touch screen HDMI display GNSS (GPS …

“Software-Defined Radio for Engineers, by Travis F. Collins, Robin Getz, Di Pu, and Alexander M. Wyglinski, 2018, ISBN-13: 978-1-63081-457-1. The objective of this book is to provide a hands-on learning experience using Software Defined Radio for engineering students and …

“My latest and for now last miniature audio spy bug and you can build it too! Works at 433MHz, is superstable due to the use of a SAW resonator and uses a single 1.5V button cell!”

“For the purpose of this configuration I expect your Raspberry pi to be connected to the internet. How will this repeater work. This configuration was done with the latest Raspbian Os for Raspberry Pi downloaded from here https://www.raspberrypi …

“Its been a long time since Ive chased any amateur satellites. Its been a long time since Ive had the time to chase them, and sadly, things have changed. In the seven years or so, satellites I once knew as …

“I found out you can get weather satellite images directly from the satellite when they pass overhead, using an £8 freeview dongle! Although I’ve considered playing with this kind of stuff before, I hadn’t tried until this week …