Content for Python

Use Python, Zynq and OpenCV to Implement Computer Vision

“Use Python, OpenCV libraries and the PYNQ frame to implement the computer vision on Arty Z7-20 Xilinx Zynq SoC platform. In this example, users can understand how to use OpenCV to create a simple tracking example which tracks and identifies …

Learning with Python - How to Think Like a Computer Scientist

“”How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python” is an introduction to computer science using the Python programming language. It covers the basics of computer programming, including variables and values, functions, conditionals and control flow, program development and …

From Data to Graph. a Web Jorney With Flask and SQLite

“This Instructable is competing on contest: “Raspberry Pi”. If you like it, please give your vote by clicking at the above banner. Thanks a lot! ;-)On my previous tutorial, Python WebServer With Flask and Raspberry Pi, we learned how to …

MicroPython Basics: ESP8266 WebREPL

“One unique feature of MicroPython on the ESP8266 and its WiFi microcontroller is a WebREPL (read-evaluate-print loop, like a Python ‘command line’) accessible through a webpage. Instead of using a serial connection to the board you can run Python code …

Design IoT Solutions Using Python and Zerynth

“Develop IoT applications in Python with Zerynth on any 32-bit microcontroller and control your insights with Ubidots. Do you prefer to code in python? If so, Zerynth is a suite of professional development tools that supports Python or hybrid C …

Using Flask to Send Data to a Raspberry Pi

“In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to send data from cheap WiFi nodes to a Raspberry Pi over an internal WiFi network. It relies on the Flask framework for Python, which is a relatively simple-to-use method of creating …

Traffic Counting System Based on OpenCV and Python

“Introduction:Traffic counts, speed and vehicle classification are fundamental data for a variety of transportation projects ranging from transportation planning to modern intelligent transportation systems Traffic Monitoring and Information Systems related to vehicles cascade. In addition to vehicle counts, a …

Responsive LED Backlight With Arduino and Python

“Working at night on the computer can be harsh on the eyes. When I worked late, the contrast between the monitor and the dark room strained my eyes. As a solution, I created this responsive monitor backlight: it aims to …

Smile Detection With Raspberry Pi Using Opencv and Python

“In this Project we are going to detect Face and Smile Detection using OpenCv with Raspberry Pi. In this Smile detection with raspberry pi using python project we are using OpenCv in Raspberry pi. This project is used to detects …

Supporting Python 3

“This book is an open book whose source is available on GitHub[5] so that anyone can contribute to the book. The author and editor is Lennart Regebro, and future contibutors will be listed here.”