Content for Python

Control Adafruit Neopixels using Python and JQWidgets

“Low power wireless standards combined with low cost and ultra-miniature LEDs made smart lighting solutions a catalyst for the Internet of Things and home automation. In this tutorial, we’ll see how to control an Adafruit NeoPixel ring via mobile …

key64tapper – Commodore 64 Keyboard Emulator

“This project emulates the keyboard of Commodore 64. It allows one to send a string of characters, or interactively type in characters, from a PC/Mac/Linux computer, and have it displayed on the C64 screen. The project is just …

Compressing and enhancing hand-written notes

“I wrote a program to clean up scans of handwritten notes while simultaneously reducing file size. Some of my classes don’t have an assigned textbook. For these, I like to appoint weekly ‘student scribes’ to share their lecture notes …

Python for Biologists: A complete programming course for beginners

“Learning to program is one of the best investments that you can make for your research and your career. Python for biologists is a complete programming course for beginners that will give you the skills you need to tackle common …

Intermediate Python

“Python is an amazing language with a strong and friendly community of programmers. However, there is a lack of documentation on what to learn after getting the basics of Python down your throat. Through this book I aim to solve …

Learning to Program Using Python

“An introduction to computer programming, using the easy, yet powerful, Python programming language. Python, a cross-platform language used by such organizations as Google and NASA, lets you work quickly and efficiently, allowing you to concentrate on your work rather than …

Fundamentals of Programming Python

“A computer program, from one perspective, is a sequence of instructions that dictate the flow of electrical impulses within a computer system. These impulses affect the computer’s memory and interact with the display screen, keyboard, mouse, and perhaps even …

Hacking Secret Ciphers with Python

“The book teaches complete beginners how to program in the Python programming language. The book features the source code to several ciphers and hacking programs for these ciphers. The programs include the Caesar cipher, transposition cipher, simple substitution cipher, multiplicative …

Making Games with Python & Pygame

” This book will teach you how to make graphical computer games with the Pygame framework (also called the Pygame library) in the Python programming language. Pygame makes it easy to create programs with 2D graphics. Both Python and the Pygame …

Python for Informatics: Exploring Information

“The goal of this book is to provide an Informatics-oriented introduction to programming. The primary difference between a computer science approach and the Informatics approach taken in this book is a greater focus on using Python to solve data analysis …

Going from Python to Guile Scheme - a natural progression

“After 6 years of intense Python-Programming, I am starting into Guile Scheme. And against my expectations, I feel at home.”

A Byte of Python

“a free book on programming using the Python language. It serves as a tutorial or guide to the Python language for a beginner audience. If all you know about computers is how to save text files, then this is the …

Using Python with Arduino

“This series of lessons will teach you how to take your Arduino projects to the next level by having the Arduino interact with the Python programming language. Python is a free program you can download. Since you have already learned …