Content for PIC18F25K20


28/40/44-Pin Flash Microcontrollers with XLP Technology

“Connect” to an atomic clock in space! GPS, DCF77

“This project is a clock with radio receivers which can receive the exact time from the GPS satellites or from the DCF77 transmitter. This project is a clock with radio receivers which can receive the exact date and time from …

How to Make a Digital Table Tennis Game

“The video game industry is massive, bringing in an estimated $108 billion a year. But have you ever thought of making your own video game? In this DIY Hacking project, we will turn a small PIC18 micro and an OLED …

DIY Explorer Probe for Rockets with DHT11 and an ESP8266

“With probes reaching the deepest parts of our solar system making important discoveries and drones giving perspective in places that we could never go, it is clear that electronics play a central role. So why not get yourself involved with …

Sound-Activated IoT Alarm with ESP8266 and RIOTOUS

“The IoT has created an industry that is rapidly growing and connecting even the simplest circuits to the internet allows for data gathering and home automation. In this DIY project, we will look at an IoT platform called RIOTOUS to …