
“This is my first Instructable post. I made a Digital FM Radio box using this cheap AR1010 FM Radio receiver module that I bought from Ebay and a PIC16F1847 Microcontroller from MICROCHIP. Why PIC’s? Why not use Arduino? Because …

“The 6 Channel RF Remote Controller designed using CC2500 RF Transceiver modules and PIC16F1847 micro-controller from microchip. Transmitter provided with 6 tact switch, 4 Address Jumpers to pair multiple unit so they don’t interfere with each other. Board provided …

“The PIC 18 PIN (DIP) Development / Evaluations Board demonstrates the capabilities of Microchip’s 8-bit microcontrollers, specifically, 18 Pin PIC16F1847. It can be used as a standalone demonstration board with a programmed part. With this board you can develop and …