Content for Northwestern.Edu

Scientists Stabilize Atomically Thin Boron for Practical Use

“Borophane is stable outside a vacuum, opening possibilities for real-world applications. Northwestern Engineering researchers have, for the first time, created borophane — atomically thin boron that is stable at standard temperatures and air pressures. Researchers have long been excited by the …

Aquatic Robot Inspired by Sea Creatures Walks, Rolls, Transports Cargo

“Northwestern Engineering researchers have developed a first-of-its-kind life-like material that acts as a soft robot. It can walk at human speed, pick up and transport cargo to a new location, climb up hills, and even break-dance to release a particle …

New semiconductor detector shows promise for medical diagnostics and homeland security

“Security officials are tasked with preventing criminals from smuggling dangerous materials into a country, and detecting nuclear substances has been difficult and costly. Now Northwestern University researchers have developed new devices based on a low-cost material to aid in the …

New Design Principles for Spin-based Quantum Materials

“Criteria for designing targeted quantum materials could support Internet of Things devices and other resource-intensive technologies As our lives become increasingly intertwined with technology — whether supporting communication while working remotely or streaming our favorite show — so too does our reliance …

Battery-free Game Boy runs forever

“Button pressing and solar energy power the retro gaming device A hand-held video game console allowing indefinite gameplay might be a parent’s worst nightmare. But this Game Boy is not just a toy. It’s a powerful proof-of-concept, developed …

Synthetic materials mimic living creatures

“Northwestern University researchers have developed a family of soft materials that imitates living creatures. When hit with light, the film-thin materials come alive — bending, rotating and even crawling on surfaces. Called “robotic soft matter” by the Northwestern team, the materials …

Technology provides a new way to probe single molecules

“Precision measurements can aid understanding of disease, infection and vaccines Biology can be murky, and medicine involves dealing with very complex mixtures of molecules. A new technology developed at Northwestern University now offers some clarity to scientists with precision measurements …

Swarming robots avoid collisions, traffic jams

“New algorithm could help control driverless cars, automated warehouses For self-driving vehicles to become an everyday reality, they need to safely and flawlessly navigate one another without crashing or causing unnecessary traffic jams. To help make this possible, Northwestern University …

Pre-Programmed Microfluidic Systems Offer New Control Capabilities

“Microfluidic systems have the power to revolutionize medicine, energy, electronics and even space exploration. But the sheer size of the external equipment required for controlling these quarter-sized devices has limited their use in portable, wearable technologies. Now Northwestern University researchers …

Highest-throughput 3D printer is future of manufacturing

“Rapid manufacturing on-demand could put warehouses, molds into the past Northwestern University researchers have developed a new, futuristic 3D printer that is so big and so fast it can print an object the size of an adult human in just …